Sunday, November 11, 2007


After watching the Enron movie last week in class, and piecing together all the things that happened made me wonder how something as large scale as this could keep going for so long.

The unethical decisions started from the beginning. The fact that employees were rated based on other employees made their place of work too competitive. When faced with competition and fear of job security any decision seems like a good one. Those people were put under so much pressure that they knew nothing more than to do the wrong thing.

What I would have liked to hear about in the movie was the people who left the company because of their own ethical beliefs. I'm sure not everyone in the company was carrying out the unethical tasks.

The worst part was the whole electric company buy out scheme. The phone conversations between Enron associates was horrifying. I can't believe that people could ever be so heartless and say "burn baby, burn" even jokingly while millions were dying from forest fires in California.

Why weren't these people caught? Was it because Ken Lay was friends with the President? Could that have had anything to do with why Enron was able to get away with so much?

This whole case simply boggles my mind. I can't believe that people would simply throw their own set of ethics out the window just so they could make their bosses happy. That's ridiculous.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Clear Channel Ethics

As an employee of Clear Channel. I'm appalled at the lack of information that is being passed down to employees.

I went into work the other day and about five people had been fired. No one knows why. The only thing everyone knows is that "this is just the beginning". Corporate hasn't cleared up anything with anyone. I did some research on the company and it turns out that there was an article in Fortune stating that Clear Channel was getting ready to sell. I asked a DJ that has worked at the station for several years if he knows what is going on and he told me he had heard it was budget cuts. He said they were cutting the budget by 1 million and in the process were cleaning house.

From a PR standpoint this kind of behavior is unethical and simply promotes a bad image for the company as a whole. The employees should be the first people to find out what is going on in a time like this, because if they only see people being fired every time they turn around they are most likely going to start looking for another job that is more secure. If it wasn't for the media, no one at Clear Channel would ever know what was going on. Also if someone from the media were to do some interviews about the buy out within the company, they would find some pretty negative comments/confusion from employees stating to investors and etc that Clear Channel is unstable.