Monday, September 3, 2007

Does Everybody Matter? What about the people within corporate America's supply chains?

Yes, everyone matters. If everyone didn't matter than what kind of world would we live in? I admit in the past and even today certain groups of people have decided that others aren't as worthy as they are of having a normal life. They are imprisoned or judged because of their beliefs. Take the famous examples of Nazi Germany, slaves, or even people within corporate America's supply chains. These examples have allowed most of us to learn from that behavior, and I believe that we are slowly shedding our ethnocentric views for that of a cosmopolitanism belief that we are all "human" and can "learn from each other's differences".

Although it would be nice to have everyone take on a cosmopolitanism belief, not everyone can fathom the idea of equality. Some people have been brought up with certain beliefs, and after a certain time period it gets harder and harder to change those instilled beliefs. In a perfect world, if everyone was brought up with these views, the world would be a better place. Unfortunately I'm going to take a pessimistic view and say that this will never happen. There will always be someone who will believe their race, religion, etc. to be better than another. Therefore, although I think everyone matters, not everyone will share in my belief.

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